Agile2020 and the Emerging Economies Initiative
At Agile2019, word was just starting to spread that I was going to be the 2020 conference chair and Rafael Prikladnicki shared with me more about the Agile Alliance Emerging Economies Initiative that Angie Doyle chairs.
Immediately this resonated with me and his passion for this initiative was inescapable. After that initial conversation, I talked this through with both Angie and Rafael and they helped me appreciate how amazing it would be if we could make a step towards this initiative at Agile2020 itself.
You can read more about the Emerging Economies Initiative chaired by Angie Doyle and supported by Agile Alliance here, but the primary purpose of the initiative is to assist economically emerging economies by providing affordable access to premium Agile events and speakers. While what we are doing for Agile2020 is slightly different, it is with the same heart behind it. We are using the same list of economies identified in the initiative, but we realised that for Agile2020 we had the opportunity to enable speakers from those markets to be part of the conference. They would be exposed to all the knowledge and stories at the conference so they would not only benefit as individuals, but also allow them to return to their communities and share these takeaways to the benefit of even more people. We also hope that by raising awareness of Agile Alliance and the conference, more people from these economies will get involved in the review team in years to come and become a voice to help shape the Agile Community of the future.
After much consideration and deliberation we settled on this aim for 2020: We are having approximately 6 sessions on the program specifically curated based on this initiative. With the help of Evan Leybourn, Christina Hartikainen, Dana Pylayeva, and Shane Hastie, we identified great people from within some of the emerging economies, who will be wonderful mentors to another voice from their respective regions. We are working with these mentors to bring other speakers from their region to Agile2020.
We hope to help bring the learnings from these economies to the larger conference community, and in turn give these new voices access to the teachings and experiences of the fantastic attendees and speakers at Agile2020.
We hope you will join us in helping to socialise great content to all Agilists and support the larger Emerging Economy initiative.
This is an Agile Alliance community blog post. Opinions represented are personal and belong solely to the author. They do not represent opinion or policy of Agile Alliance.
Originally published at on January 14, 2020.